Thank you for all of your Christmas wishes and prayers for us this last week. We just got our laptops and cell chargers about an hour ago, so now I can explain why we have dropped of the map for the last 4 days.
We are going on our 4th day staying at Seattle Children's Hospital. Greta had her first Pediatrician visit on Monday and we discovered through some blood work that she had a very high bilirubin count. It shows itself in the form of jaundice (very common for infants) but Greta's was reaching a point where she needed immediate hospital care. We headed straight over to Children's Hospital (without bags or even charged cell phones) and her blood work upon entry put her bilirubin count at 24! ( A normal count starts at 7).
She was immediately put under lights resembling a tanning bed, and has been chilling under them for the last several days.
Thankfully she started to improve right away, and being one step away from a blood transfusion this came as a HUGE relief.
We are very blessed to have caught her situation when we did, going much longer without treatment can cause possible deafness or brain damage.
So praise God for the prompt care she has recieved! Her rates are dropping and this morning she was at 16 so we are hoping to be able to go home tomorrow!
Our little family made attempts at Christmas Stockings last night. We wrangled up some hospital footies and while Kent was sleeping I scoured the hospital vending machines and reception desks for treats. Nothing says Christmas like a bag of Fritos and a plastic cafeteria spoon.
Kent had been sneakily storing my Christmas gift in the trunk of the car, so I woke up to the boots I have had bookmarked on my computer since summer! Weeee!
Santa came in to our room last night and dropped off a sweet little stocking for Greta with a blankie and toy! He also made his rounds today and dropped off a little stuffed puppy and gave her her first Santa pic!
It has been quite the unconventional Christmas season for us, but sitting here next to our sweet little girl who is on the mend and having just took my first shower in 4 days I feel like the happiest woman in town!
Thanks everyone for your prayers, they are truly felt!
Merry Merry Christmas!
I will leave you with a video we took yesterday of Greta's 4 day birthday!
Hi Kirsten, Kent and Greta--
We are glad to see you are doing better. That video cheered my heart! We love you all and Merry Christmas!
Meg and Ry
aww, I love Greta to pieces. Her hiccups were so cute:) It was so good to talk to you today and I am so happy that the wee one is doing better!
I love you, You Know.
You know how anniversaries have themes like crystal and paper? Apparently the first Christmas is barley.
Best wishes, all three of you!
You guys are the funnest ever! I am sure Children's was a much cheerier, God-filled place with you three in it--and I praise God for that! Your little Greta is unbelievably darling. Good job you guys! We love and miss you,
Jeremy and Joy
That video was so cute it was great to see her in action :)
I'm glad she is doing better and that her bilirubin count is down too. What and exciting 1st Christmas with your little one :)
talk to you later
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