Our scheduled Christmas activities have been somewhat of a question mark this year. All eyes are on the Barley. However there was one Christmas tradition that I wanted to institute and observe if I could at all help it...A Christmas Concert!
A time to get together and sing Christmas songs with friends like they did in old 50's movies. (sans the hot toddies-maybe next year!)
So I busied myself (as much as one can busy oneself while not moving from the couch) with plans. Mostly I busied my mom and Kent with the baking and the Christmas decorating. A task that I envied them for...I love setting the house in Christmas order and making things just so (also, maybe next year!)
However, I was able to make these darling little mistletoe pins in the meantime.
So, with everything in order we called on our good friends Meg and Ryan to come celebrate with us around the Christmas tree.
Kent played the guitar, and Meg charmed us with her cello playing. Ryan and I chose less "Traditional" instruments and played the keys (car keys) in all the jingly sorts of songs.
Nope..and relax! The Barley had a blast, and really would never dream of interrupting the Christmas Concert '08! It was a lovely night off and I sang and laughed until my prego belly shook like a bowl full of jelly!
Merry Christmas to all!
1 comment:
I don't want a lot for Christmas...
There is just one thing I need...
I wish I was having fun in old Washington with you and the Barley! Oh, how I miss ya! I can't believe it's almost time meet Greta face to face:) Splendid. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year indeed!
PS...I'm jealous that I couldn't be at the Christmas Concert '08. I totally would have rocked out the spoons, or maybe something more abstract like a squeeky shoe? Hmmm...next year maybe.
I love you, You know.
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