Friday, December 12, 2008

Holy Smokes!

So our Greta girl is full of surprises!
Here is the run down from the last couple of days.
The Barley is now "of age" she is 37 weeks and can be delivered safely anytime now. So we were very excited yesterday when I was having those classic symptoms you here tell about! Contractions 5 minutes apart and fantastically uncomfortable..."this is it!" It's baby time! We go to the hospital and they hook me up to monitors and do some charming tests only to find that my contractions aren't doing anything to progress my labor, and that I was still at the same measurements I was 3 weeks ago. Rats. All that pain and no progress. They tell me to go home and try and get some rest.
So instead we go out and try and help her along with some exercise, walking around looking at the Christmas lights and shops in Bellevue then dinner at Maggiano's. (We are only just a little impatient.)
However, today brings new motivation.
They had me come in to do another ultrasound after her heart rate was having some low dips just to make sure her fluid levels were healthy.
Good news! She is healthy...boy is she healthy...last week they estimated her weight at about 5-6 lbs. Today with all of her ultrasound measurements she clocked in at 9 1/2 lbs.
And this little turkey has 3 more weeks to cook! Granted, there is a few pound margin of error, but we certainly weren't expecting this from our little preemie! Needless to say the technician had to scoop Kent and I out of the room and practically deposit us out the door.
NINE AND A HALF POUNDS! Her head measured at 39 weeks, her femur at 40, her belly is actually off the charts as over 40 weeks.
Where did this giantess come from? Is this the same little sweetie I have been bedridden with for these last several weeks to give her a fighting chance at health and happiness?...Because I think she found it!
So there it new motivation to do stairs and drink Raspberry tea. And now we can all stop singing "ohh poor little Barley" and unite in a song of "ohh poor Skirst" and for everyone else "ohh I'm glad it isn't me".
But with all shock aside, there is a sense of relief at our house today. All signs are pointing to a healthy happy baby and I would much rather do the fighting for her in childbirth than have her fighting for her life.
That's what mommies do!


NuclearToast said...

So the barley's a cooking turkey and is chicken to come out? Hot DOG!

Anonymous said...

Yay! She's gonna be big one! Glad to hear all is good in Barleyland.

Anonymous said...

Seems as though the Barley is going to have Auntie Lindsey's HEAD:) I'm so excited! Wowsers...she is going to be so sweet. I can tell already, but let's be could she NOT be? With Parents like Kent and Skirst she's going to be a lovely little lady.

!!!!! So excited!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Greta and Rooms! How exciting 9 1/2 pounds!! Sounds like shes just about ready...the anticipation is great! You guys are in my prayers and thoughts :)
Love, Nub

Anonymous said...

I have already checked your blog like 9 times today and it's not even noon. I need help:) I'm just so excited! Love you!
