Sunday, December 21, 2008

Look what we did!

Hello All!
It's Kirsten, and I am laying right next to our sweet little Greta! She is faaast asleep right now, and we like it that way. It has been a long night, but so so happy...I even got 4 hours of straight sleep!
We are still in the hospital at Overlake recovering and what not. Greta is doing well, and so am I! However I do feel like a train wreck...or like I gave birth to a 8lb 14oz baby. Not sure when we will be going home, but we are pretty sure it will be today sometime.
But, here is the skinny on Greta (since pictures won't be coming until later). Firstly, she is perfect as any mom would tell you of their new baby.
She has my chubby cheeks and long toes, Kent's nose bridge and upper lip...and a full head of the softest darkest hair.
It is still a little hard to believe that this is our Barley!
And soon we will be taking her home to our house to live and play with us!
Now we just have to figure out how we are going to get her there through the snow and ice...


Lissa Van Gorkom said...

Bring on the pictures! We can't wait to see her. :) Hope you guys get home soon, although staying in the hospital really isn't the worst thing ever.

Love you guys!!

The Van Gorkoms

Anonymous said...

This all sounds so wonderful getting to hold your little Greta that you have been waiting for all these months!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it home safely! Have fun introducing Greta to your home. I can't stop smiling every time I think about you guys - she's precious.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kirsten, Kent & Greta! December babies are the best!(Just ask one) Can't wait to see more photos of my little neice.

Glad to hear you are all well.
Stay warm and safe and Merry Christmas!


Auntie SaDawna

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! She is so beautiful. It is hard to believe that she's here...and when will we see her? Keep the pics coming. We want to be on the list that gets all the emails when she does something cute...isn't that everyday? I know you have tons of people that will be listening ears but if I can be of any help, please let me know.
Aunt Bethany