Our little Greta is two weeks old already!
Since her hospital visit she has been sleeping better, eating better, and has been all around happier!
She is chugging along at getting back to her birth weight (8.14, we think she is just about there), and is no longer the color of a pumpkin...so improvement all around!
Kent and I have really been enjoying the sleep all day phase she is in, and have been pleasantly surprised at how portable and flexible she is in various social situations. We have been out to eat, over at friends, and in and out of stores and none of which were the nightmare I was bracing myself for.
Lets just face it folks...OUR BARLEY ROCKS! We spend a good amount of our time in between feedings just looking at the fun little faces she makes, smelling her sweet little head, and exclaiming to one another "She really is better than everyone!" (and she is.)
And how I know is because I don't know of anyone who could poop on say...Kent from 4 feet away and not only remain in his good favor but get kisses when all is said and done (and cleaned up.)
Which gets me to thinking, why on earth am I sitting here writing a blog when the Barley is over there being cuter than ever?
I will try once again to comment, I don't know what I do wrong. But here goes...Wow is our Greta the cutest baby girl in the world or what!!!! She does indeed rock, and I'm so proud to be her grandma I can hardly stand it. I love her smile and her sweet little eyes...her hair, her cheeks,...and her parents. MMMM.
I love Greta too:) Not as much as you, I'm sure, but it's a lot nonetheless. She is just too sweet for words and I am so glad that she is doing better. Hooray for sleepy days and happy babies:) I miss you lots and lots and I wish that I could be there to see you and Greta!
I love you, you know.
You have got to get an RSS feed or email subscription or something! I keep finding out you have new *surprise* blog posts. Get 'the boy' on it and let's get cracking! :)
PS - Greta is freakin adorable!
So many wonderful things yet to come. I hope you blog them all!
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