Yes, as you have guessed by now today the Barley is 5 weeks old. Kent has an alarm on his phone set for every Sat. that reminds him to take a picture of Greta to mark her growth...and thereby giving us blogging fuel.
Here is her 5 month mug shot.

Well, wish us all luck folks! Tonight she is moving into her own room.
Until now she has been sleeping in her bed an arms length away from me. I can pop her pacifier in her mouth about every 3-5 minutes or so to soothe her, and stroke her soft little head to...well... soothe me.
But enough people have advised us that this age is the best age for moving little ones into their own room, and I only listen to them because I know they are right.
I would rather her wake up and find herself alone in her big girl room now when her thoughts are only of "Where's my milk" and "Hello there, are you my milk?" than months from now when her thoughts might be "Why am I alone in this...what's the word? ah! barren, that's a nice word... this barren place that smells like Johnson and Johnson?" and "Are you punishing me for that poop I laced you with this was only a goof?" it might amount to no small trauma.(Felt mostly on my part.)
So for the greater good we are setting her in her crib for the first night.
And I can't help but feel like it's Wendy's last night in the nursery and marriage to a nice banker is just around the corner for her.
I will keep you all posted on the success of the move. Or not, I may be too tired from dangling over her crib all night.
lol! Kirsten, I love the way you write, it's hilarious!! And you are right on about the moving into the nursery :). We moved Peyton into her own room at 5 weeks too, and the transition went very smoothly. She loves her room! It wasn't difficult for her at all....just me til I got used to it, which didn't take too terribly long :). Hope it all goes well for you!! :) Over a month already, crazy!! It goes so fast :)
"Be brave, little Piglet!"
I say that in my very best 'Owl' voice for you. Also, you can comfort yourself with the thought that children who move out at five weeks undoubtedly become productive adults whereas children who don't are likely to end up living in the basement at 35.
Sarah D.
Yay! You have email subscription! Double Yay!
Now I'll go back and read the post, I'm sure it's adorable ... as usual :)
She's so sweet. I'm sure that she will love her own bed and she will sleep through the night and give you lots of peace and quiet and restful nights:) Although...I'm with you, you'll probably spend a lot of time hanging around the crib even if she is sleeping like, well...a baby. That's just because how could you NOT?! She's so cute, even I want to hang out with her:) And you're her mom! I love/miss you.
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