She is in the 99th percentile for her height! Which Kent pointed out is the biggest number you can get statistically because to be in the 100th would be saying that she is the tallest baby in the world. And well, I don't know about you, but that just sounds boastful.
So my fears of her being a behemoth when I was 9 months pregnant are coming to fruition, and all the pants her age are capris.
Like any good parent Kent is making the most of her skills and since she is skilled at being the tallest ever he is trying to teach her how to walk and get some use out of those daddy long legs.
But we don't push her too hard, we still give her quality time with her friends, like Mr.Snail. She has been fascinated with this little snail for months! Staring at it, learning its secrets, and now it has blossomed into a special friendship.
Oh Kirstie, she looks like you! Her big eyes in the top picture and...well her face, took me back to when you were that age! It is the first picture I've seen more of you in her face. She is beautiful beyond measure!
The backward bib in the first picture proves that Greta is a trendsetter. And she sure is taller (and better) than 99 percent of babies! Love that lady and you too Skirst.
99%! Wow:) I bet she really does have longer legs than I do already. (You know me...all torso and uvula!) She is so precious and so full of life. I can tell that she's got a sweet personality just by looking and her pictures (which I could do all day, by the way.)
I love you, you know.
She may be taller than me, but I bet I could still take her in a fight.
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