Well then you know. Yesterday was just such a day, a blue day.
But I married someone just as odd as I am, who has been there, and also happens to be the only living expert on "Me". So he went to work banishing those blues for me.
We went down to our favorite pub and just spent the evening being a couple of misfits together.
You are MY world's most favorite Kirsten. I am so glad that you are you:) I have definitely had those days before too and they're not fun, but it is pretty awesome to have someone who knows you and is able to share it with you and cheer you up. (and now you have TWO someones!!!)
I love you, you know.
You are SUCH a special you, with all the wonderful, one of a kind incredible qualities!! We are SOOOO blessed to have you in our family.Who else would have suited Kent so wonderfully and brought such a special joy into our lives?!? I am sorry you had your blue day, understand it very well, and am so glad Kent is there to remind you that no one else can take your place!!
We love you and wish we were closer so we could see you and remind on a regular basis!
Kirsten, I love reading what you write! You put into words what I have felt so many times! I just had to comment that I love the dress Greta is wearing and it makes me a little sad that Abby could only wear it a couple of times. The good news is...if you have another girl in, oh say another 2 years or so, we've got a matching one in yellow that they would look so cute in! I look forward to meeting Greta someday. She and Abby will have no choice but to love one another!
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