Monday, March 16, 2009

12 week update!

This weekend Greta went to her first birthday party in Silverdale for her good friend (although she doesn't know it yet) Audrey. Audrey is one of the large batch of girls my friends have produced. All of which look almost everything like their fathers and none like my friends themselves, and were born in the same time span of a year or so. (Greta is also a part of this prosperous batch.)
The season for weddings is over, there are no more bridal showers, and even baby shower invitations have slowed down, now it is all about baby birthdays...and I feel 40.
Here are Greta's 12 week pictures. We took them in the car on the way back from her first party.

This week has marked a lot of growth for Greta! She has been more vocal, expressive, and curious about her surroundings. Today after eyeing Megs necklace for a good while she reached out and grabbed it (!) then just a little later she picked up a toy (!!) and put it in her mouth (!!!) This may seem like a small task to most, but seeing your baby who looks surprised when she hits herself in the face with her own arm do something so intentional is sooo exciting!
And to top it all off Greta has had two 8 hour night time sleeps this week.
So, it's safe to say that 12 weeks has been pretty good to us and our little Greta Girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even though I see her all the time, she is just dazzling. Not like something that's been Bedazzled, but like one of the wonders of the world. And so are you Skirst. Top o' the mornin' to ya!