Ours is and always will be the kid masquerading as an animal. The last 2 weeks she was a bunny, this week she is a bear, and the future is wide open to a new whim.
We are also sure that when she has all of her proper faculties about her she will be allowed to dress herself. This means that in a large crowd of kids you will be able to peg Greta as the one wearing a skirt on her head and 3 pairs of shoes.
To go along with her appearance Greta has adopted a bear sized appetite. She just guzzled 6 oz in 5 minutes, and has an appetite for 8 oz most of the time!
Granted this doesn't mean much to most people who live in the real world or have been out of baby land for a while. But it has been a hefty change around here, and it all kinds of fun to see her eating and growing so well.
I am relieved at any rate that I am better at growing children than I am at plants. For as much as I love flowers and herbs you wouldn't know it by their dried up carcasses and week long life span. I am in the process right now of killing a lovely orchid that makes our piano look very distinguished.
Now, if my flowers were as darling as my Greta, I don't think we would be having this problem at all.