Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Love Day!

Today the boy and I celebrated Love Day John and Yoko style. We had a "bed in" not for peace exactly but for some of our favorite things. Also, we didn't invite reporters. We had brunch in bed and munched on cheeses, baguette, Nutella, and sipped our beloved Orangina, while we watched the dvd of our trip to Paris.
It was a happy trip down memory lane. After all it was our spring break to Paris that helped me realize that Kent was the man I needed to marry. Beyond the fact that he is better than everyone...he was a man that made my dreams come true.



And licking various monuments. This is the Arc de Triumph.

This is also little Greta girls eight week birthday! So I would be doing you a disservice if I did not post her 8 week picture. This one is hot off the press and cute cute cute.

Well, enjoy this happy Valentines.
Lots of love,
The Walters

1 comment:

Christopher said...

Tres adorable! I love how her eyes disappear when she smiles.