We are back from our Goodwill Virginia Tour! After much flying, driving, and general seeing everyone we have ever known, we are home and oh so done with the whole traveling thing for a while.
Don't get me wrong, it was totally worth it!
We had a great 2 weeks and got to meet up with so many good friends: Juice & co, Zack and Greta & co, Chris, Aaron, Mike, Paul...it was refreshing to spend time with them.
We spent the rest of our time with Kent's wonderful family as we crowded all the kids (9 cousins under 6!) together to mingle and mix at his parent's house in Virginia Beach. It was adults and children up to your ears and so much fun!
I don't have many pictures of us and the
fam (boo.) But I do have quite a few from our
Williamsburg Day!
Ahhhh! History! I love it:)
I had hemmed and hawed about going for weeks before our trip out there, but Kent apparently he had enough of it as a kid, it being forced
and educational at the time. So I had pretty much given up on the idea until we were driving down the highway on our way back from meeting a friend for
bbq and what do you know? Greta had a dirty diaper! Where on earth were we going to stop and change her? Oh I don't know, how about that sweet looking town? What
Williamsburg? How did that get there? Well, we should probably just find a restroom and... before you know it we were strolling the streets and
geeking out over very old things (my favorite!)
Like Father Christmas. Greta was
mezmorized by him and he was very sweet to give Greta some cheerios since candy is not yet on the menu.

*Reader Meg: There is a picture of a colonial person coming up after this picture. As they scare you and make you want to itch and wiggle. Get ready to close your eyes!....
*OK! You can take your hands off of your eyes now, that was the only colonial person I am going to post. He was very friendly though and very interested in the harvest of his cabbages.

Greta stole that apple and that's how we landed here...in the stocks.

Except not really, and it was really a very perfect day. We even coined the term "Why can't everyday be like
Well, it is so so good to be back home. I always am reminded of how much I love it here when I come back after being away. I was the happiest
Skirst in town today and found myself skipping a little quite unashamed of myself.