I find myself saying that more and more lately to shield her from the reproach of others. It could be teeth, growing pains, or who knows, but she is exhibiting her will a whole lot more lately.
One of her latest and greatest is her decision to not wear hats. No hats, no ma'am! But what she has yet to learn I think is that she got that willfulness from somewhere and I like the hats.
*The Hall Family Willfulness or better known as"The Will" is no garden variety stubborness. It is simultaneously both a magical force and scientific fact. It travels within the family circle and when used wisely it bears discipline, steadfastness, and standing ovations as it's principle fruits. Improperly used and it results in friends, family, and spouses with grey hair and brains turned to mush.
Ladies and gentleman this IS the main event. Barley vs. The Parents. Place your bets!
hehe:) I love this girl. Tell her that Auntie Juice thinks her hats look precious and to trust her when she says that food is better than milk ANY day! I'll be sharing in your battles very soon with a little man of my own, so I'm sure I'll need to call and talk when I am feeling frustrated. I really hope we'll be able to see you guys in November!
I love you, you know.
Wow! Greta's hair looks so long in that last photo :)
Sounds like your having some fun times too :) I think the hats are too cute, and now that it's getting chilly so needed too.
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