The Barley and I are fixin' to do something awesome!
Sunday morning at 8:00am we are going to be down at Husky Stadium looking for the cure for Type 1 Diabetes.
Sunday marks the 27th annual Beat the Bridge to Beat Diabetes fun run. The Barley and I joined team McWalto (a combo of our team's names) to raise money and walk 4 miles to do our part in helping find the cure for Type 1 Diabetes.
This is extra special to us this year because just a month or 2 ago we found out that our Meg (of "Auntie Meg" and Hello Grey Day fame) was diagnosed with Type 1 and it has changed her life and ours.
There is a permanence in this disease that must feel daunting at times, but she is such a trooper and we are really proud of her!
So if we can walk 4 miles for a cure for Meg on Sunday, than we will be there! (with bells on our toes.)
If you want to support our team in meeting our personal goal click HERE! And then choose my name on the list (p.s. I added an Esq. to my name because I thought it sounded jaunty. I thought it was some sort of royal suffix but apparently it just means you're a lawyer.)
I know, I hate asking people for donations, but I hate more the idea that Meg can't eat what she wants and has to go "ouch!" 8 times a day.
Stay tuned for more mad cap fun from our Beat the Bridge adventure!
Maybe we'll see you there! Shannon usually runs this event (and always beats the bridge).
Checks in the mail! Say, Kirstie Girl, for some reason my computer is not able to display some of your pics lately. Like the one on this post and several of the party. Hmmm...wussup?
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