Thursday, April 23, 2009

4 Months...and taller than you.

So we had Greta's 4 month checkup on Monday and she's doing great! All healthy stats, fat enough, strong enough, smart enough, oh yeah and taller than you.
She is in the 99th percentile for her height! Which Kent pointed out is the biggest number you can get statistically because to be in the 100th would be saying that she is the tallest baby in the world. And well, I don't know about you, but that just sounds boastful.
So my fears of her being a behemoth when I was 9 months pregnant are coming to fruition, and all the pants her age are capris.
Like any good parent Kent is making the most of her skills and since she is skilled at being the tallest ever he is trying to teach her how to walk and get some use out of those daddy long legs.
But we don't push her too hard, we still give her quality time with her friends, like Mr.Snail. She has been fascinated with this little snail for months! Staring at it, learning its secrets, and now it has blossomed into a special friendship.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Couple of Misfits

Do you ever have those days where you feel you don't fit in with the rest of the human race...and for some reason that's a bad thing?
Well then you know. Yesterday was just such a day, a blue day.
But I married someone just as odd as I am, who has been there, and also happens to be the only living expert on "Me". So he went to work banishing those blues for me.
We went down to our favorite pub and just spent the evening being a couple of misfits together.
It's not so bad being the worlds only you, if you have someone to share it with.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We spent Easter this year at grandma's house in Olympia!
We had all sorts of Easter fun. We painted eggs (Meg's egg won), had a bird hunt (Kent won) played games (I won!), and searched out Greta's very first Easter basket!
And Easter isn't Easter without all the little kiddos coming out of the woodwork in their little suits and ties, and best dresses.
I think Greta felt very special in her stripey strawberry dress from Nanna. Here she is in her Sunday best!

...And happy about it too!
I hope everyone had a blessed and hopeful Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Greta gets this look when I sit her down in her swing that fills me to my very top with love.
She gets the sweetest look of wonderment on her face and her jaw drops (her pacifier goes with it every time). There is a mirror up top and leaves and birds that circle around her reflection. She is amazed by it, and it charms me to see such innocent fascination.
I have often tried to capture her look but she is aware of the camera instantly and the moment is usually lost. I was sneaky though today and got a glimpse of the rare Greta-Bird...entranced.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

artsy things!

I am streamlining my interests.
I have started a blog (see side bar for link) for all of my art updates and creative dealings. It is my attempt to separate home and work a little bit. Now pictures of the Barley will not be smushed next to blogs about my work, and vice versa.
Have a look!