...'Among the leaves so orange!'
So, this weekend we gathered our fall spirit up and went a-pumpkining! What could be better than a fun afternoon in the park gutting and carving large vegetables, drinking cider, and of eating Halloween candy?
I submit that there is nothing.
The boys had a HOOGE pumpkin so they teamed up on one together. They were very proud of their handy work. Even now Kent's is propped up by our front door with a rock under it to give it a better showing. It is a scene of wolves howling at the moon.
When I discovered his initial design plans, I had imaginings of us all left howling at the moon as Kent meticulously carved his pumpkin with a knife the size of a hair pin. He is known in our parts for his astounding attention detail, and consequently for being the slowest ever.
However, it was I who was the last to finish carving.
Mostly because I spent my time eating candy, but also I was deliberating over all the design possibilities. Would I try and make a political statement? Or something that would make all the little trick or treaters stop and consider the preciousness and brevity of life? Or maybe I would just settle for something so funny they must puke up their Whoppers.
In the end I decided on a harmless little heart with leaves, giving an overall impression of a tramp stamp. As typical Skirst, I decided it was too much work to think through and eating would be more fun.
The day ended with us all lined up like proud parents holding our orange young.