So, for the first half of my pregnancy I figured that those notorious "cravings" women get didn't apply to me. For me the definition of a craving at that point was finding the only thing that didn't make me want to throw up and die...and eat it for the sake of the Barley.
Well, happy days are here again! And with gusto!
Not only is nausea a thing of the past but I am even surpassing my previous (notorious) hearty appetite with records heights I'm surprised at!
In particular I want sweeeets. No, I don't want, I pine and will do dangerous feats for sweets. This is almost as exciting as my new belly button! It used to be that when we went out with friends for dessert I would be the only one sitting there with a BLT.
But now, I would straight trip someone for their ice cream cone.
For those prudent and worry-prone readers out there, don't worry, I haven't thrown all caution to the wind (mom). I still eat all my fruits, vegetables, whole grains, blah, blah, blah... but my new rapacious appetite allows me to have my cake and eat that too.
And the best part of it all... It is 100% guilt free! I was never one to put too much stock in what people thought about my second and third helpings, or order salads because everyone else was... That's balls. They can be fabulous and hungry and also inevitably mad at the world if they want to, but it's always been pass the gravy for me!
And now eating is like doing someone a favor! I learned yesterday that the Barley can taste now, and what I eat, the Barley tastes in the amniotic fluid whether it is sweet, savory, or mediocre Thai. And I am bent on making The Barley's first culinary experiences ones to remember.
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