Saturday, November 7, 2009

I feel Grrrrrreaaaat! (or want to)

We be sick.
Either I caught what Greta had last week, or it's an amazing coincidence, but we be sick at the Walter house.
I won't go on a limb and say it's a case of the oinkers (h1n1) but I do bare a remarkable resemblance to the list of symptoms. Fever, sore throat, body aches, chills. I kind of wish it is so I can go ahead and get it over with ya know...stare down that swine and be done with it.
Since Kent's remedy for sick people is to listen to funny songs and watch funny cat videos.
I have for your amusement (and mine) a commercial I have been laughing at for a solid week! Maybe I need to get my hands on a Nutri Grain Bar?


simplyMae said...

I'm sorry you are sick :(
But thank you so much for that absurd video! It was too funny :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Skirsty.

I'm not going to see you until December. nooooooooooooooooooo!

I don't feel greeeeaaaaaaaattttt now.
