Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunny Days!

So this weekend we went down to Olympia to visit my mom and do a little playing in the sun.
We checked out the mushroom festival (lackluster), played putt-putt (always fun watching Kent win), and ate gobs of UH-mazing food (Nom).
Greta had a great time at grandmas getting tossed around, kissed about, and generally smothered with love.

She ended the day with a nice big meal of peas! Last weekend's Kent-speriment was to make her first weeks meal of peas, and today he made a weeks worth of green beans. She's loving her veggies!


Lindsey said...

:) I love the Pea Picture. Who knew a baby could look so happy over Pea's? Derek and I just bought a food processor so we can make yummy things like Hummus and fresh salsa, but we're also excited about making our little guy his very own preservative-free baby food! Yippee!!

Unknown said...

Sheesh! Greta gets more beautiful every day! Here she looks part Gerber model, part bohemian hipster :)

Meghan M. said...

AHHH! Cutest baby (girl) in the whole wide world. Hope you got some more sleep last night and little Greta kept her plug in her mouth. Love yous.