We checked out the mushroom festival (lackluster), played putt-putt (always fun watching Kent win), and ate gobs of UH-mazing food (Nom).
Greta had a great time at grandmas getting tossed around, kissed about, and generally smothered with love.
She ended the day with a nice big meal of peas! Last weekend's Kent-speriment was to make her first weeks meal of peas, and today he made a weeks worth of green beans. She's loving her veggies!
:) I love the Pea Picture. Who knew a baby could look so happy over Pea's? Derek and I just bought a food processor so we can make yummy things like Hummus and fresh salsa, but we're also excited about making our little guy his very own preservative-free baby food! Yippee!!
Sheesh! Greta gets more beautiful every day! Here she looks part Gerber model, part bohemian hipster :)
AHHH! Cutest baby (girl) in the whole wide world. Hope you got some more sleep last night and little Greta kept her plug in her mouth. Love yous.
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