Today marks the first day of "The Police... a week long countdown to a sublime musical journey". This Saturday Kent and I (and the Barley) are going to see The Police at the Gorge. A countdown marked with daily Police trivia, non-stop music and of course a paper chain.
Growing up if there was an event of any real magnitude, there was ALWAYS a paper chain to count it down.
This is a practice I would like to hand down to the Barley. That, and commemorating important days in music/rock history as soon as The Barley is capable of abstract thought.
The following is a list of some of the holidays to be instituted (and corresponding discussion topics) heralded by the paper chain.
-November 17th, Jeff Buckley's birthday
Discussion topics: Evils of liquor overdose, the unique qualities of a telecaster, short career-big influence in today's music.
Celebration style: Listen to Live at Sine, have a who can sing higher contest.
-February 7th, The Beatles land in America
Discussion topics: George, John, Paul and Ringo's separate influences, the bands evolution from head bops to beards, Helter Skelter- first heavy metal song?
Celebration style: Listen to Abbey Road, Eat Yorkshire pudding, play "name that singing Beatle".
-April 5th, The Clash releases first Album
Discussion topics: The birth of punk rock, The changing London social scene, why a drug-free band is a smart band.
Celebration style: Listen to London calling, make our own shirts (Like Joe Strummer), play Rockbands The Clash set list.
-August 10th The Police became a trio
Discussion topics: Pioneering reggae in mainstream rock, why teamwork is important, and why solo songwriting hurts feelings and breaks up rock legends
Celebration style: Make our own Police cover music video using cordless electrics and everyday objects for drums. (another topic of discussion, why drummers can't help but look stupid in 80's music videos)
The list continues with celebrations for Sigur Ros, Django Reinhardt, BB King, and Brian Eno.
Here's to a well-rounded Barley! Cheers!
I wish I had the musical knowledge of you and Kent. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE music. All kinds. But, man...you guys are going to have some fun times with the barley teaching him or her (which, by the way I think it's HIM) all about random, fun facts. I hope my kids and your kids can be friends. Wouldn't that be fun? Anyway...(HA, another...I told ya I use them a lot.) I can't wait to see you! It's going to be GRAND.
PS...I love you, you know.
And I will properly educate your Barley on the greatest bands of all time: the Eagles and Wilco. I will also throw in Da Boss (Bruce) because no child can understand rock without him.
I hope this does not make you wary to allow me to babysit.
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