Saturday was Kent's 27th birthday! So to celebrate we did everything he wanted to do and nothing he didn't want to do.
We went to the Woodland Park Zoo which was AWESOME both of us have never been so it was a real treat, ate bbq, and played putt-putt which is a Kent Walter Birthday Tradition.
There was such a great show of friends, we kept hopping from one fun-tivity to the next until we crashed late Sat night from too much fun.
Given the theme of Kent's favorite things we decided to give his birthday a kidd-o theme and it was all zoo animals, juice boxes, cake cones, and party favors I haven't seen since I was in grade school. I think my favorite was the "Reading is your Boyfriend" bookmarks I made for the occasion.
Saturday also marked Greta's 24 week birthday! She was one lucky lady and got to spend her special day looking at all the zoo animals with her dad!

Our friends gave Kent this alligator hat which he happily wore all day. I thought it suited him perfectly!
Thanks everyone for celebrating with us and helping to make Kent's birthday so much fun!