To grandfather's house we go!
We are packing up what seems like the whole household to visit my dad in Silverdale. Indeed this will be Greta's first time over to her grandpa's house...should be fun!
In the meantime I hope you will be amused by this video. (Thanks Richard!)
It made me laugh oh-so hard. This guy looks like a little squiggly bug!
What fun we have to look forward to!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Social Butterfly
I am awake at this late hour due to what seems like a developmental breakthrough on the Barley's part. Social behavior.
The last 2 nights she hasn't been sleeping her angelic 5-6 hours between feedings. Instead she wakes up every hour or two to stick her tongue out at me for more food or for some quality time with one of her 3 best friends: Me, Kent, or her pacifier. If we deny her this social opportunity panic immediately sets in and she emarks on a tour de force of cries, wails, and gut wrenching sobs.
Given this recent habit of hers I have gotten into the habit of not sleeping. Last night as I shuffled into the bathroom for what seemed like the umpteenth time to rinse one of her bottles, I was startled to look up and see some stranger with wily eyes and stringy hair flung over their face in a desperate manner staring at me...sadly, it was only me.
Needless to say, things were a little tense between the Barley and me this morning. Our inner dialogue went something like this...
Me:"Good morning Barley" (I nod coolly)
B:"Morning Mother" (counter nod)
Me:"What's it been, like 20 minutes?"
B: " Yes, until it gave me gas."
Me: "I'm so sorry Barley, did I not burp you according to your specifications?"
B: "No, you might try a full 45 minutes next time."
And it wasn't until 11:00 am that I realized I was actually giving my 5 week old the silent treatment and felt like a total jerk. Anyways, sweet voices and songs ensued and we are on excellent terms.
As a matter of fact she can't get enough of me, and wails when I leave the room to get what some people call, what is it...sleep?
It is truly touching to be wanted by your own child. Especially when she can tell you a part from the rest of the crowds we pass her around to. And To feel that you can offer someone else who is so helpless some comfort and safety is such an honor.
But, I wish that I could do all of that and sleep.
The last 2 nights she hasn't been sleeping her angelic 5-6 hours between feedings. Instead she wakes up every hour or two to stick her tongue out at me for more food or for some quality time with one of her 3 best friends: Me, Kent, or her pacifier. If we deny her this social opportunity panic immediately sets in and she emarks on a tour de force of cries, wails, and gut wrenching sobs.
Given this recent habit of hers I have gotten into the habit of not sleeping. Last night as I shuffled into the bathroom for what seemed like the umpteenth time to rinse one of her bottles, I was startled to look up and see some stranger with wily eyes and stringy hair flung over their face in a desperate manner staring at me...sadly, it was only me.
Needless to say, things were a little tense between the Barley and me this morning. Our inner dialogue went something like this...
Me:"Good morning Barley" (I nod coolly)
B:"Morning Mother" (counter nod)
Me:"What's it been, like 20 minutes?"
<30 minutes of steely glances>
Me: "How was that last milk I made for you, satisfactory?"B: " Yes, until it gave me gas."
Me: "I'm so sorry Barley, did I not burp you according to your specifications?"
B: "No, you might try a full 45 minutes next time."
And it wasn't until 11:00 am that I realized I was actually giving my 5 week old the silent treatment and felt like a total jerk. Anyways, sweet voices and songs ensued and we are on excellent terms.
As a matter of fact she can't get enough of me, and wails when I leave the room to get what some people call, what is it...sleep?
It is truly touching to be wanted by your own child. Especially when she can tell you a part from the rest of the crowds we pass her around to. And To feel that you can offer someone else who is so helpless some comfort and safety is such an honor.
But, I wish that I could do all of that and sleep.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
5 Weeks! Or How I turned 5 weeks and moved out.
So I realize that my titles haven't been what you call "Original" or "Interesting" as of late, just your basic baby time line. And while I want to keep an updated time line of important Barley milestones I don't want to turn off my readers who are looking for that little bit extra. (After all we have got to keep up with bloggers like this guy) So it is for you with that fine palette that I have elongated the title.
Yes, as you have guessed by now today the Barley is 5 weeks old. Kent has an alarm on his phone set for every Sat. that reminds him to take a picture of Greta to mark her growth...and thereby giving us blogging fuel.
Here is her 5 month mug shot.

Well, wish us all luck folks! Tonight she is moving into her own room.
Until now she has been sleeping in her bed an arms length away from me. I can pop her pacifier in her mouth about every 3-5 minutes or so to soothe her, and stroke her soft little head to...well... soothe me.
But enough people have advised us that this age is the best age for moving little ones into their own room, and I only listen to them because I know they are right.
I would rather her wake up and find herself alone in her big girl room now when her thoughts are only of "Where's my milk" and "Hello there, are you my milk?" than months from now when her thoughts might be "Why am I alone in this...what's the word? ah! barren, that's a nice word... this barren place that smells like Johnson and Johnson?" and "Are you punishing me for that poop I laced you with this was only a goof?" it might amount to no small trauma.(Felt mostly on my part.)
So for the greater good we are setting her in her crib for the first night.
And I can't help but feel like it's Wendy's last night in the nursery and marriage to a nice banker is just around the corner for her.
I will keep you all posted on the success of the move. Or not, I may be too tired from dangling over her crib all night.
Yes, as you have guessed by now today the Barley is 5 weeks old. Kent has an alarm on his phone set for every Sat. that reminds him to take a picture of Greta to mark her growth...and thereby giving us blogging fuel.
Here is her 5 month mug shot.

Well, wish us all luck folks! Tonight she is moving into her own room.
Until now she has been sleeping in her bed an arms length away from me. I can pop her pacifier in her mouth about every 3-5 minutes or so to soothe her, and stroke her soft little head to...well... soothe me.
But enough people have advised us that this age is the best age for moving little ones into their own room, and I only listen to them because I know they are right.
I would rather her wake up and find herself alone in her big girl room now when her thoughts are only of "Where's my milk" and "Hello there, are you my milk?" than months from now when her thoughts might be "Why am I alone in this...what's the word? ah! barren, that's a nice word... this barren place that smells like Johnson and Johnson?" and "Are you punishing me for that poop I laced you with this was only a goof?" it might amount to no small trauma.(Felt mostly on my part.)
So for the greater good we are setting her in her crib for the first night.
And I can't help but feel like it's Wendy's last night in the nursery and marriage to a nice banker is just around the corner for her.
I will keep you all posted on the success of the move. Or not, I may be too tired from dangling over her crib all night.
Friday, January 23, 2009
One Month Old!

Lately she has been impressing us with her strong grip, strong neck, and her ability to hold her gaze at you just long enough to make you feel like you hold a place in her heart. She has been doing particularly well at voice recognition and on several occasions has followed our voices around the room with her eyes!
All in all we have been having a good time at the Walter house!
We have a steady flow of friends and family streaming through to pay their tributes to The Barley and receive spit ups. Then on our off days we sing the wrong words to Baby Beluga loud and proud all day, and watch Kent incinerate the undead with level 5 inferno courtesy of Fable 2 in the evening.
Life is sweet.
*Also note: Yes, Kent still has a job amidst the big Microsoft layoffs, in this we are pleased.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I'm 2 weeks old!
Our little Greta is two weeks old already!
Since her hospital visit she has been sleeping better, eating better, and has been all around happier!
She is chugging along at getting back to her birth weight (8.14, we think she is just about there), and is no longer the color of a improvement all around!
Kent and I have really been enjoying the sleep all day phase she is in, and have been pleasantly surprised at how portable and flexible she is in various social situations. We have been out to eat, over at friends, and in and out of stores and none of which were the nightmare I was bracing myself for.
Lets just face it folks...OUR BARLEY ROCKS! We spend a good amount of our time in between feedings just looking at the fun little faces she makes, smelling her sweet little head, and exclaiming to one another "She really is better than everyone!" (and she is.)
And how I know is because I don't know of anyone who could poop on say...Kent from 4 feet away and not only remain in his good favor but get kisses when all is said and done (and cleaned up.)
Which gets me to thinking, why on earth am I sitting here writing a blog when the Barley is over there being cuter than ever?
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