Like her curiosity. She can sit and pore over a book, her fingers, or a leaf for an extended period of time, while remarking in a very small voice "ta.ta.ta.ta" and assessing her findings in a whisper. (She fits right in with the family as we are most of the time studying our books, phones, and little findings.)
Of all the traits she could have landed with, Kent and I are glad she got those! We sat up laughing last night as we named all of our faults and what it would look like to have a child only inherit our flaws. The poor victim would be an overly sensitive toast glutton, scared of people, sky, land, and sea. Simultaneously idle and freakishly charged. Spends the day rubbing out his/her eyes and not doing the laundry. Spends the night as an insomniac mathematician factoring prime numbers (not knowing what a prime number is), and hoping it was something like prime rib.
It really makes a couple feel blessed:)
I seriously love you guys! Can't wait to see Greta and her continuously developing personality!
I love these pictures and peeks into Greta's personality! I cracked up over your scenerio of a potential "flawed" Kirsten/Kent child. I must patch together one for Don and I, what a wild and worrisome child that would be!
Greta and I have so much in common. Especially the drumming-lips-burbly-sounds thing. Don't get too close, or I'll do it to you!
We'd keep each other entertained.
haha! My two favorite parts (other than the super sweet pictures of Greta, of course" are :
"overly sensitive toast glutton"
"(Not knowing what a prime number is) and hoping it was something like prime rib."
You're hilarious and I'm glad I can read your blog.
I love you, you know.
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