Sometimes I feel sorry for people so acutely it makes my heart sick. This last week I have felt sorry in particular for the boys who lost their innocence and optimism during WWI. (I am reading a book where that is the setting and I almost never read a book without being fully engrossed and therefore am subject to all kinds of moody moods.)
But this morning I just feel sorry for everyone who isn't married to my husband.
Because I feel certain, with conviction, that he is better than everyone.
Did you know today is Thursday? And it's not my birthday, nor is it any other day where I should warrant any special attention.
But no matter, this morning I woke up to the click and jangle of keys and someone coming into our house.
What the devil was Kent doing home from work? I thought for sure he had thrown up and the poor boy was sick. He came into our room with two large boxes of breakfast he picked up at our favorite breakfast place, it was a holiday he said and he had the next 5 days off! (a gift from his managers manager for the great performance of his team) and in the napkin he gave me there was a clue.
From there on I was on a scavenger hunt and I was walking all over Redmond (and I do like a good scavenger hunt!)
I had messages to decode:

This one told me to go to Starbucks and say "I'm Kirsten, I would like a Kirsten" Which was a special concoction I made myself (and named) in my old Starbucks days. And behind the counter they had my next clue waiting for me with my favorite drink.
From there I went to the grocery store and rifled through countless boxes of cereal to find my next clue, then off to the library to do some research.

My clues eventually led me back home and into the fridge. Ah-hah! The old hollow egg trick!

This was my last clue, and in it I discovered that the treasure I was seeking was with me the entire morning, it was at home when I was home, and out when I was surprise was in the soles of my shoes!

Kent knows how I pine like a silly tween for the Beatles! And I have been especially giggly for this game coming out next week (however I was not too hopeful considering the current moratorium on all spending that has fallen on our household as we save for our house). But that just added to the surprise! So calling all Friends-And-Relations you are cordially invited to bop your heads with us in the coming weeks, however a warning... I will be doing this...