We had such a lovely vacation last week!
A whole gang of family (21 of us at least) made it to Ocean Shores on Sunday to spend several days together in a train-turned-house to play games, eat food, and all in all enjoy one another and the beach.

It was Greta's first true beach experience and her first dip was thoroughly documented.

During the day there were kites, boccie ball, Frisbee, and sandcastles....actually just one sand castle, also known as
Kent's Pride which there is more photographic evidence of than New York City.

It is a great Hall tradition to make sand castles at Ocean Shores, the like that will land you a spot in the news (true!) This year the building was overseen by Kent S. Walter eager to prove that the Walters can represent.
And when everyone else was back at the train eating lunch and playing Yahtzee he was at the beach dating the sand castle.
Upon completion it featured a working moat, draw bridges that could withstand the weight of an adult, a mud quarry, and stable area!

Each night all the aunts, uncles, and cousins would cozy into the kitchen caboose and lie to one another in noisy games of Mafia. Nothing brings a family together like suspicion, deceit, and betrayal:) Then we would pile into the hot tub until half of the water had displaced and it was just a jumble of cousin's limbs much like pickles in a pickle jar.
We had such a good time though it was a sad day Wednesday when we had to say good bye to everyone.
We had family going back to Texas, California, and Idaho, and it was like the day after Christmas when all that's left is scattered wrappings.
Greta spent most of our time at the beach on grandpa's shoulders. I think this picture is hilarious and it looks like she didn't want to go home either.