Oh what a day!
It's been hotter 'n hades today! It broke an easy 105 degrees today and some thermometers in town read 109! It's the first time in Seattle history it has broke 100 since they started keeping track in 1841.
Many of you realize that this is hot, but you don't know hot until you live without AC and are living/sleeping in 100 plus weather. Blech.
SO measures have been taken. This is our second night camping downstairs in the living room like one big hippie family. We moved the mattress downstairs, moved all of Greta's things so we can glean the precious bit of coolness that the downstairs holds.
I haven't put a toe outside in 24 hours and am happy as a clam. Or maybe an oyster...a sweaty oyster...a sweaty oyster that is ready to be thrown back into the sea...so maybe happy as a clam is a bit of a stretch. But I am more of a hopeful sort of mollusk.
All on all though as miserable as it has been....it's actually kind of fun!
There is an element in emergency type situations that I like! They bring people together and upset normal schedules, you know, doing what you have to in order to get through the heat. Like spending the day in your unders, not moving, or in Greta's instance soaking all day in a bath in the dining room! It's all very out of the norm and memorable.

Greta spent most of her day adorned thus. And I have been humming "How do you solve a problem like Maria" all day.
She has been a sweet little trooper that just doesn't quite get why things are so uncomfortable all of a sudden. But nonetheless she has been very sweet and wishes me to tell you that her favorite new food is zucchini, that she is learning how to use a sippy cup but is finding it a little confounding (why doesn't the water come out when I put it upside down?) and that she is currently on expedition to the greater "downstairs" region of our house and those wishing to see the underside of our chairs may enquire, however positions are filling up.
So, you are LITERALLY melting and my heart is after seeing that sweet girl in her bath:) She just always looks so happy...and that makes ME happy! I am so excited to come visit!!! Although I must admit I will be praying that the heat calms down a bit before I get there because lets be honest...8 months pregnant and 105 degrees are not friends. BUT WE ARE!! So I'm coming:)
You just got yourself entered into my quote book for that "I am a hopeful sort of mollusk" remark. I love you! :o)
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