Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Goings on...

Here I am.
I have had several things vying for my time lately which might excuse my absence from the blogosphere. Pleasant things mostly. First and foremost I should mention that Greta is walking and has been walking for weeks now!
(It's funny how the silliest things make it to blog but the big stuff like baby's first steps gets mentioned weeks after the fact.)
But there it is! she's walking! Sometimes a very cute scissor step, other times a sort of Igor foot dragging trudge, and most of the time the tiniest and perkiest little steps you've ever seen. Very cute:)
Also teeth! Four whoppers right on top.
Then there's the Olympics which I watch with dog like allegiance.
Last weekend I went to camp! With a bunch of girls my age which makes it a women's retreat I guess. However it felt more like camp since we snacked in our pjs, talked about underwear and hid baked potatoes in other campers sleeping bags.
And this might give some of you a shock...maybe you should put down the beverage you are drinking so as not to spit spray it...I joined a gym.
Yep. A gym member. Gold's to be specific, where I will attend classes!
Still confused? That's ok, I understand. I know I have always taken a pretty strong stance up until now about not being uncomfortable on purpose (which is synonymous with going to the gym). But I like the "did something worthwhile" feeling afterwards and enjoy seeing some of my friends who also go there every morning to be uncomfortable.
So I bought my first pair of real spandex and a yoga mat (both items I used to silently judge) and plan on making a complete exhibition of myself as a total beginner!
All in all it is going to be good for me.


NuclearToast said...

The judger has become the judgee! Or something... Glad to know you won't make fun of my yoga mat now!

simplyMae said...

Yeah for Greta walking!! How fun!
I am a golds gym member too! I'm not a huge fan of gyms but when we moved here I wasn't able to get as much running in and the gym is 3 min. from my work! I hope you have fun with your classes :)